This Ambassador Agreement(“Agreement”) is between Docle Systems Pty Ltd of 29 Darryl St. Scoresby Victoria 3179 Australia and the following person (“Ambassador”):


            Contact name:______________________________ Email:_____________________________________


            Company:      ______________________________ Phone:____________________________________


            Address:        ______________________________  Fax:______________________________________


1.          The undersigned is hereby appointed a Docle systems Ambassador. As an Ambassador, the undersigned agrees to actively participate,upon request,in Docle systems  promotional activities during the term of this appointment,subject to their availability.  Ambassador may decline participation in requested events, however continued participation in the program is subject to participation in events or promotional activities in a manner and frequency that, at Docle systems‘s discretion, meets the objectives of the program.

2.          The term of this Agreement is twelve (12) months, effective from the date of this Agreement and will

automatically renew for successive twelve (12) month periods unless earlier terminated by either party. Docle systems reserves the right to terminate related licenses or services offered hereunder in the event of termination for any reason.

3.          Ambassador may receive certain Beta or Docle systems proprietary product(s) (“Beta Software”) during the term of this agreement. Beta Software is provided only under the terms of the separate Beta Test Agreement,the terms and conditions of which are incorporated herein by this reference.

4.          Ambassador will receive one(1)  final product software single-user license  on one platform of their     

            choice as a benefit of their membership including:


            PLUM MEDICAL SPREADSHEET at a nominal cost of A$199 per year. This contrasts with non-ambassadorial costs of the same software for $A1999 plus $199 per year for updates per user. Offer will close once Docle system has the requisite number of ambassadors.



            The license  for this software product  is provided under the terms and conditions of the shrink-

            wrap Software License Agreement for the relevant products.

5.          Technical support services will be provided for the products provided under paragraph 4 above during the

            term of this agreement.  An individual Ambassador support subscription ID will be issued under this

paragraph to be used to access services.  Technical support is provided under the standard Docle systems support hours, terms and conditions.

6.          The parties herein are and intend to remain independent parties.  Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed

            or construed to create the relationship of principal and agent, or of partnership or joint venture, and neither

            party shall hold itself out as an agent, legal representative, partner, subsidiary, joint venture, servant or

            employee of the other.



_____________________________                                         ______________________________

Signature                                                                                   Dr Y. Kuang Oon


Name                                                                             Docle Systems Pty Ltd

_____________________________                                         29 Darryl St Scoresby Vic 3179 Australia

Title                                                                              Email:

                                                                                    Ph: 03 97638935 fax: 03 97649788

_____________________________                                         ______________________________

Date                                                                              Date


Please charge my credit card of type:____________ Name: _________________________ Amount:____________


No: _____________________________________ Expiry Date: ___________ Signature:_____________________










This Beta Site Agreement (“Agreement”) is between  Docle Systems Pty Ltd of 29 Darryl St. Scoresby Victoria 3179 Australia (“DOCLE”) and the following person or company (“Licensee”):


                                Name: _____________________________________________


                                Company: _____________________________________________


                                Address: _____________________________________________


                                Email/Phone: _____________________________________________


1.        The term of this Agreement is three (3) months, effective from the date of this Agreement, or  the first generally available shipment to customers of the beta software identified in Paragraph 2, whichever occurs earlier, and may be extended only upon the written approval of DOCLE.

2.        The DOCLE proprietary product(s) listed here, Plum Medical Spreadsheet & Beta Build(s) (“Beta Software”) is/are provided only under the following conditions:


a.     Licensee agrees to test the Beta Software and provide DOCLE with the following reports:

        1.             an Action Request Report, to be submitted for any bug found by Licensee in the Beta Products.  This report will include all information available to Licensee regarding circumstances of the bug, conditions to reproduce, and such test data as can be reasonably provided by Licensee for the purpose of DOCLE’s reproduction of the bug.  Bug reports shall be submitted by email to ‘’.

b.     Licensee shall maintain a log of all of its employees and any outside contractors who are permitted to view and/or evaluate the Beta Products.  This log shall be made available at DOCLE’s request.

c.     The Software is confidential and Licensee agrees to diligently protect the confidentiality of the Beta Products, at least in the same manner and to the same extent that it protects its own confidential information.

d.     Licensee agrees that it shall not allow access to the Beta Products to any party who is not a full-time employee of Licensee unless said party has signed a confidential nondisclosure agreement with Licensee that is adequate to protect DOCLE’s rights hereunder or has signed a separate Beta agreement.

e.     Licensee agrees to provide DOCLE with a list of all non-employee third parties referenced in 2(d) prior to releasing Beta Products to such parties.  Licensee further agrees to provide DOCLE with copies of the nondisclosure agreements signed by such parties at DOCLE’s request.


3.        The Beta Products and any other DOCLE confidential or proprietary materials provided hereunder are for testing and evaluation purposes only, and are not to be disclosed, copied, reproduced in whole or in part, or discussed with any person not specifically subject to this Agreement. 

4.             Upon completion of the terms of this Agreement, Licensee will, at DOCLE’s option, return or destroy all Beta Products and any other DOCLE proprietary materials provided hereunder and certify in writing to same.

5.             You may only use the Beta Software in conjunction with related DOCLE products, which you have properly licensed from DOCLE or a licensed DOCLE distributor, and only on those platforms/operating systems for which you have licensed at least one copy of the related product.

6.             The Beta Software is provided as unsupported, there are no warranties either express or implied.  DOCLE will not provide technical support, outside of Beta support, for any problem encountered while using this beta software, nor will it be responsible for any damage resulting from their use.


______________________________                                                    ______________________________

Signature                                                                                               Dr  Y Kuang Oon

______________________________                                                    Docle Systems Pty Ltd

Name                                                                                                     29 Darryl St Scoresby Vic 3179 Australia

______________________________                                                    Email:

Organization                                                                   Ph: 03 97638935 fax: 03 97649788